Step VIII – Lamps and lights

When building ages, you will sooner or later learn, that our brain reacts strange when confronted with illogical things.

You don´t know why, but some ages or rooms seem strange, but you can´t say, what exactly is wrong.

In my first age, it happened to me when I added another huge room, which I started to call “the garage” because of the big door supposed to lead to the outside of the age.

Something didn´t feel right.

And then, suddenly, I understood: I had forgotten to add some kind of lamp, so that the light that came from nowhere had a “real” source.

In blender, lamps are invisible, the light just appears, without any logical reason where it comes from.

So you have to add objects to simulate a “real” lamp or another light source.

I started to experiment with different kinds of lamps, as you can see on the following screenshots:

 Here you can see my garage, with bright stripes added to the corners to simulate some kind of lamps.

Another angle of the room.

I wasn´t really satisifed with these lamps, so I deleted them some time later.

I began to create some other lamp designs:

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This lamp I added to my “entry room”.
As you can see, I added some different wall geometry to the room to make it more interesting. (the old walls are still behind those, in case I should decide to go back to the original layout).

I kept the lamp for a rather long time before replacing it with a design I liked better.

This is one of the designs I still use in various places in my age.
It is rather simple, but nice. I use this lamp in various sizes – in lab I
I have a really big one, while in other rooms I use smaller variants of it.

Another angle, this time from beyond. The texture is the same one I used for my firemarbles.