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garden age « Rabenschwinges Cavern blog

Posts Tagged ‘garden age’

First data received!

All went well! No one was hurt, and critter 2 was successfully delivered.

Now, we are exploring the first part of the age. It seems to be a medium sized area, shaped like the generic “hole in the ground” garden age.

The first image data sent by critter 2 didn´t show much, besides green mist and the greenish, sandy ground. A dark rock came into our field of vision when Jack slowly drove the critter forward.

Nothing interesting up to that point – but when the vehicle drove around the rock, the first amazing find. An elongate, whitish object protruded out of the sand. After a small moment we realized it was a bone…

What we then found was more than we had anticipated. The whole area is cluttered with bones of different creatures. Some look vaguely like bones of bovine creatures, others like predatory animals. And a few – as gruesome as it is – seem to be of humanoid origin. We don´t know, if they belong to D’ni or other humanoids.

We will continue to explore the area… whoever lies there, we hopefully will find out more about them.

The expedition council approved my proposal regarding Ahnoto, and they promised me supplies, interns and tools for my work on the age.

Meanwhile, I´ve started to write my third age. I plan it to be a garden age, this time hopefully not too dry and not too moist …
My gahrohevtee become better and better. After my previous mistakes, I´m confident to at least bring the age to a successful end, so at least the book should work. What awaits me after linking in, I can only guess – the branches of the great tree are limitless, after all. :)


After some days of hard work, I´ve been relaxing in some ages, enjoying a little spare time.
My favorite place for this purpose is Eder Delin. I´ve always thought it to be the most cosy and relaxing garden age we have access to as of now, especially, when it´s winter there.

As I was sitting there on of the benches, I couldn´t resist thinking of all the wonders the D’ni have left us… the cavern, the ages, the astounding machinery, the strange creatures in all of the ages… the art … and also, what all of this did to the D’ni. Will that happen to us, too? Will we fall because of the same mistakes the D’ni made?
I tend to be cautiously optimistic(tm), as I remember the many obstacles and problems we´ve overcome.
And I remember those, who can´t take part in what is happening now… the people of the community who have passed away, most of them much too soon.

I wonder, where the guys of the DRC are, and if they still roam the caverns and ages, privately…

And I wonder, what I will be able to do, to contribute, to give something back to all of the guys who have given to the community.

Enough of all that brooding, back to work.
Shorah b’shemtee biv, and I mean it!


I´ll finish my first age this weekend, it´s nearly done. I feel so excited!
What will it look like? Will it be flawed? Will it be suitable for a home base?
It´s hard for me to keep concentrated on writing with all that thoughts running through my head…

Yesterday I had a chat with B.P. He told me they had found some documentation on the crystal age we had escaped narrowly… he said, it was a garden age!
It´s name was Eder Kamonee. Can´t believe the maintainers allowed such a dangerous place to be a garden age… what were they thinking? Though, I like the name, sounds nice.
B.P. said he thinks, there must have been some kind of shelter in the age once… otherwise the D´ni wouldn´t have been able to visit the “garden age” safely.
Maybe there is another linking book to this shelter?
At the moment, it will keep closed for any visitors, even of the expedition itself. They clearly won´t risk anyones life.

Work in Risoahl has stopped for now – felling the bamboo is to time consuming right now. B.P. said, it will be restored later. They´d rather do some work on another age they found last year… B.P. said, I would be told more about it at the next meeting.

My wounds from that visit to Eder Kamonee are slowly healing, but they still hurt.
On the positive side: We heard news from Claire, the intern that got hurt most in the incident. She is alright, the cut will heal without any long-term sequela.
Alex collected some money to buy her flowers and “get well soon” cards. And then, she told me, she and Noelle would make a visit in Yagee Mohts next week, and invited me again to join them. Great!