Now, after months of reading, learning, watching, I think, I´m ready to try and write my first age.
Last week I had ventured into one of the more devastated districts of the city proper. On this little expedition, I broke into… err, entered a house, that seems to once have belonged to a member of the original guild of writers. I searched the house for anything helpful, and actually found a pile of kortee´nea, blank books, waiting for someone to write into them!
The second discovery I made was the burnt remain of a linking book. On the cover, barely noticable, a D´ni word was written.
I managed to transcribe it, and it says “Afelahn”. I guess, this was the name of the age. The book has no maintainers stamp (at least, as far as I can tell, it really is badly burnt) and of course has ceased to work. If this is a descriptive book, then it seems to have been rejected by the maintainers… a failed work of the late owner of this house perhaps?
I´ve tinkered with the idea of using the name for my first age… would this be appropriate?