As I was sitting there on of the benches, I couldn´t resist thinking of all the wonders the D’ni have left us… the cavern, the ages, the astounding machinery, the strange creatures in all of the ages… the art … and also, what all of this did to the D’ni. Will that happen to us, too? Will we fall because of the same mistakes the D’ni made?
I tend to be cautiously optimistic(tm), as I remember the many obstacles and problems we´ve overcome.
And I remember those, who can´t take part in what is happening now… the people of the community who have passed away, most of them much too soon.
I wonder, where the guys of the DRC are, and if they still roam the caverns and ages, privately…
And I wonder, what I will be able to do, to contribute, to give something back to all of the guys who have given to the community.
Enough of all that brooding, back to work.
Shorah b’shemtee biv, and I mean it!